Over the years Bahamas Faith Ministries International (“BFMI”) has existed based on its philosophy as an organization to effectively communicate and apply the relevant Biblical message of the Good News of the Kingdom of God to the present and future generations.
For this reason, in its 40th year the leadership has determined to dub its 40th anniversary theme as: 40 Years of Advancing the Kingdom.
For the past 40 years BFMI has continued its ‘vision’ to establish a network of ministries, agencies and opportunities to provide for the declaration, dissemination and effective communication of the Good News of the Kingdom of God and the restoration, development, training and release of quality world-class Kingdom leaders, especially within the Third World context, to impact every sphere of human experience.
Secondly, BFMI purpose has continued over the decades to provide for the recruiting, restoration, development, training and release of mature, intelligent, refined, skillful, principled, Spirit-filled, free individuals within their respective communities and, nations.
Its mantra has steadfastly been to: “Transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of Change.”
BFMI has seen development, growth and maturity that came with patience, dedication and faith in God. This is due impart to the many persons, affiliates and groups who have come to accept and become a part of the vision and mission of BFMI.
P.O. Box NP-9583
The Myles E. Munroe Diplomat Center
Richard Pinder Drive, Carmichael Road
Nassau, Bahamas
Phone: +1 (242) 461-6400
Email: bfmadmin@bfmmm.com
Website: www.bahamasfaithministries.org
Sea Horse Rd., No. 17
Seahorse Plaza
Freeport, Grand Bahama
Phone: +1 (242) 374-2029
Email: bfmfreeport@gmail.com
Website: www.bfmfreeport.com
The Diplomat Center Orlando
11 N. Forest Ave.
Apopka, FL 32768-5815
Phone: +1 (321) 396-2102
Website: www.bfmiorlando.com
Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) is a global organization that serves to restore a sense of divine identity, heritage, purpose, potential and destiny to every individual.
Sunday Kingdom Celebration:
Sunday: 9:45 AM – 1 PM (EST)
Kingdom School of Empowered Living:
Wednesday: 8:00 PM – 9 PM (EST)
Office Hours:
Mon. – Fri.: 9 AM – 5 PM (EST)
Office Contact:
Phone: +1 (242) 461-6400
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