To establish a multifaceted and multimedia training program that will facilitate teaching, training, equipping and empowering Kingdom leaders to love, care, teach, administer, develop and help others in maximizing their inherent gifting and potential.
“Transforming, Renewing, Upgrading, Empowering.”
To provide biblical and principle-centered mission training that will produce international, intercultural, and inter-disciplined missionaries
To produce skillful Missions leaders capable of influencing their environment and the world with Kingdom biblical principles.
Biblical: Effective missions training must be governed by sound, biblical principles.
CHARISMATIC: Effective missions training should identify the gifts of individuals and enable them to maximize those gifts in harmony with the gifts of the Spirit
INTERNATIONAL: The mandate of the Great Commission is necessitate the equipping of individuals for global task of becoming disciples in all nations.
PRACTICAL: Missions training must enable leaders to acquire practical skills concurrently with theoretical knowledge.
P.O. Box NP-9583
The Myles E. Munroe Diplomat Center
Richard Pinder Drive, Carmichael Road
Nassau, Bahamas
Phone: +1 (242) 461-6400
Sea Horse Rd., No. 17
Seahorse Plaza
Freeport, Grand Bahama
Phone: +1 (242) 374-2029
The Diplomat Center Orlando
11 N. Forest Ave.
Apopka, FL 32768-5815
Phone: +1 (321) 396-2102
Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) is a global organization that serves to restore a sense of divine identity, heritage, purpose, potential and destiny to every individual.
Sunday Kingdom Celebration:
Sunday: 9:45 AM – 1 PM (EST)
Kingdom School of Empowered Living:
Wednesday: 8:00 PM – 9 PM (EST)
Office Hours:
Mon. – Fri.: 9 AM – 5 PM (EST)
Office Contact:
Phone: +1 (242) 461-6400
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